Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Advertisement navigation

Simple navigation:

Teasers- advertisements w/music

Other Advertisements, like posters

Movie Description Page

Here we have our 'movies' that are now showing, with links to them and their reviews.


"Chronicles of a squad"- the emperor's elite mission force.


The Adventures of Oyi and Clari

These stories based off of NCFCA competitors include just about anything- so long as it's funny.


The Empire: Episode I

First in a series, this futuristic tale of the Empire (and all those in it) is written by the Emperor himself.



Mythical stories of everything from well meaning elfs to unusual mermaids.


Black Sun Criminal Syndicate

The criminal agents that work to destroy the Empire


Monday, October 29, 2007

The Empire

In blog story THE EMPIRE, the EAF resemble a futuristic version of the UN, and stands for the Euoropean and Atalantic Fedaration....

It was almost the North Atlantic...but that sounded too familiar

Did you know?

The Oyi and Clari series was derived from FCN (funny class notes) in which Envoy forest played a part...

More factoids from Imperial Theaters..

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Teaser three

Tomorrow is the judgment day
Tomorrow is the judgment day
Tomorrow we’ll discover what the Emperor has in store
It’s one more dawn
It’s one more day
It’s one day more!

The Empire! Coming tommorow!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

It's here!

The Emperor’s blog story has arrived! Go to the theatre, buy your ticket, get your seat (Don’t forget the popcorn) and enjoy! First post on Monday! It’s here! The moment we have been waiting for, IT’S THE EMPIRE!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Teaser 2

Why is the Emperor in awe?
Why is the empire amazed?
Do you hear the people sing of it's greatness?
It is for...

Emperor declares it "Spectacular" (Even though he wrote it)
Of Randomness and Randomness proclaims it " Five stars!"
The Imperial courier places it "Ranking with IMF in action and Oyi and Clari in creativity and a bit of Grandeur mixed in."
And Common sense puts it "A must see."
This is why you must view this masterpiece this fall
And see for yourself, the greatest blog story in history

Dantor looked at him and began "The EAF has an army, why are they invading Neapolis. It is because the Emperor has returned...”
Timothy Danford
“You see, Rolanex, the Republic has little choice. We may threaten you as much as we please, but Neapolis is in our hands, whether you like it or not. The European and Atlantic federation wants Neapolis. And they shall have it."
Kayla Benson
“Emperor Varus has been dead for years. I believe nearly Thirty years to be exact. We know he is dead; he died in Berlin at the battle of the Empires."
Patrick Ortiz
“It’s Hopeless. By Dawn, every one of those Puerto Ricans in new Santiago is going to be dead. Relieving the city is out of the question. Complete suicide.” Patarn leaned on the door frame with his back to Lazarion, still inside as he poured himself a drink.
Michelle Rowlands
"As God is my Witness I will never sign this treaty."
Christopher Danford
Kayla looked at him, "What's your name?"
"Tavelon Martimus"
Coming to blogs on October Twentieth

Teaser 1

Ambassador Michelle Rolanex sighed. "Something is happening. I am not the leader I should be. My people are dieing, And I cannot be with them." Christopher Dantor walked up "You have done all you can do. It is now up to the Senate to decide their fate."
Coming this fall
The fighter crashed into the command center. The Pilot climbed onto the smoldering ship "Come on Zach, Jump out!"
The greatest blog story in History, is coming right on the emperor's blog
Thousands of soldiers, Marching, one footstep all at once. Kayla glanced at Timothius “So this is it. This shall be the invasion of Neapolis.” Timothius Acrenus nodded.
The Empire: Episode I
Coming to blogs in October
We are back on Empire news. In a few days the Emperor will be going to Alaska to negotiate with the local tribes. More infromation later, this is empire news.


The following is an ongoing interview. For example, should you comment:
"Do I die in the story?"
we will add to the post in interview form-

(yourname): do I die in the story?

Emperor: Yes, I chop your head off, get over it

Please try to keep comments related to the post. Thanks!

Catie: Am I rich? Am I royalty?

Emperor: In the story? No your not rich, but you are royal.
In the actual Empire, the FAE, you are Rich, for you are on the high council so you get a percentage of loot and taxes. All on the council are extremely wealthy. (Me most of all, HA!)
Royal? Ha Ha, that depends on who I adopt as emperor thing (A system made up in the Anntonine dynasty, because all the Roman Emperor's heirs would be their kids, so they would just bump them off and caused HUGE family feuds. To end that chaos, A roman Emperor decided to 'adopt' an heir, a general or Politician, sometimes older than him or his age. This proved to have the least corrupt dynasty ever, until ruined by Marcus Aurelius and Commodus. Is this Gladiator? Unless I want Corrupt.) So You might be, if I say "My adoptive heir will be Catie" or if I choose someone else to lead it once I die, Chris for example. Than Chris says "Okay, I think Catie will rule once I die." So ultimately, yes, in the end you will be royal. Probably not the first, but down the road. It just really depends on who I choose to lead once I die. But whatever happens, ALL OF YOU, will have a high position if not adoptovly royal.

Catie: so wait, the royal thing is in ur empire, or your empire stories?

Emperor:In the Empire

Laz:What character in star wars do I represent? What episodes am I in?

Emperor: A combo of Qui Gon and Luke. But really no one. Only a few characters are, Not all. If I said, it would give it away with the exception of saying that your in I.

His lordship, Timothy: How do I die in it...?Who do I get to kill?

Emperor: I can tell you at class. Not to all people. Sorry!

Michelle:hmmm.....im REALLY confused....

Emperor Jonah: That is why, we have a help desk, here http://imperialtheaters.blogspot.com/2007/10/help-desk.html
What are you confused about? Then I can answer your question.

Catie: What is my name in the story?

Emperor Jonah: Eh...He he, I didn't think of that yet...

Catie: well... Can it be something besides Cathy? Cathy is a good oyi and clari name, but not good name for this kind of thing.

Jonah: I agree, I was trying to think of something more unique.

Help Desk

Need help? Confused? Whether you can't find a page or don't know what is going on, ask your questions here. (we ask that these comments pertain to questions, and if it is a matter of "who do I play" or "What happens next" etc, that you refer to the Interview page, where we answer such questions.

Blog Database

Here Is the navigational database. Providing a much quicker, easier way to find things on this blog, as it may grow to be rather complex, this is constantly updated according to the new posts.

Polls and Surveys

Ticket Office - Here you can get blog permissions and apply for 'jobs' concerning the theaters

Help Desk - Confused? Befuddled? For help go here.

Interview Page - This is the place for questions concerning blogs, stories, etc. like an ongoing interview, you post a comment asking a question, and the answer is added to the post in form of an interview.



Factoids - Here blog authors can post facts, maps, etc. about their blog story. (All posts labeled factoids)

Movie Description Page/ Reviews - Here we have what is currently playing, the general plot (as so far revealed) any details on how the blog works and the link to it.


Trailers and Advertisements: All the latest of these, including posters.

Sneek Peeks - See what's upcoming

General Updates- All posts pertaining to.

Ticket Office

This is the ticket office, here, if you want permission for one of our blogs, or if someone you know wants it, you can place a comment with your request. Here, also, you can request to become a team member of one of our blogs. Or if you want to become chief poster maker or advertising director, you can also apply for the job. Please keep comments limited to this subject, thanks!

Sunday, October 21, 2007


This isthe poster I made for the blog story

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Welcome to Imperial Theaters

(Bold type indicates a link to a page that is incomplete)

Hello, As one of the founders of the Cinemas, I would like to welcome you and give you a quick tour of how this works. Essentially, this is a blog movie theater. Whilst we don't make movies or show movies, we are the center for blog stories dealing with the Empire. This is your database for blog stories going around, such as IMF, Oyi and Clari, and will soon release "The Empire". These are proclaimed official Imperial stories and are added to the database. You can apply by contacting The Emperor, if you wish to have your story here. Additionaly, Imperial Theaters recognizes that blog stories may need permissions, so we have a quick and easy method by asking at our central 'Ticket Office' for what 'movie' you would like to see. With terms such as these, you have probably already wondered why we use them and what makes it so special. That is because Imperial Theaters has pioneered a way to try and make a blog story as much like a movie as possible without filming an elaborate story (though we do give special offers to those wishing to make media such as games, films, etc, after the stories). This may include specialized music, pictures and even film clips.

We also make this an information center for showing movies. If you have ever wondered what IMF was about, for example, you can just go to our Movie Description Page, which will have descriptions, as well as bullitens on upcoming events, etc, so the actual blog can stick to the story rather than updates, etc.

We also include things like the Interview page where you ask questions and blog authors keep updating the post and answering them. Many posts as such are frequently updated, so if it was posted a long time ago that does not mean it is old.

If you are confused, or have any other questions, please see the Help Desk

All links can be found at the Database.

This is Imperial Theaters, wishing you an enjoyable stay. Thank you for coming.

~Patrick, co-founder and page organizing


Welcome everyone, to what you (Or should I say Me) have been waiting for: The long announced blog! Now, this is a peculiar blog, for, it's purpose is to explain another blog. This blog is the main center for ALL blog stories, mainly for mine and sorta IMF, but mainly Empire stories to have a base for the actual story. This will contain FAQS, commercials, reference info and various other updates for the blog stories.
