Sunday, October 21, 2007


This isthe poster I made for the blog story


Thrawn said...
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Thrawn said...
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Imperator said...

Sure, you can make a poster, it will probably be better than mine. People in it Left to right: Top, Atalie, Chris, middle, Tim, Kayla, end, Michelle, Patrick, EAF army, Neapolis.

Imperator said...

Sorry that you are not in this poster, but in others you will be in it.

Drama Queen said...

Auu! Michelle is going to kill u for putting a pic of her with glasses on it! But it looks pretty cool in my opinion.

atalie said...

ooo i like it :)

micheller said...

why are only Tim and Kayla's names up there?

atalie said...

r they the main characters?

Thrawn said...

As far as I know, Tim is the main character. I think Kayla is one as well. I'm only the fumbling doofus that's not a main character.. :(

I made a quick poster for The Empire and posted it on my blog. It's more of a teaser poster.

Imperator said...

Yeah, Timothius is the main character throughout the series, and Kayla has the second name as you see. Patrick gets third, Michelle fourth and Chris fith.

Imperator said...

SORRY! Please Michelle, the pictures you sent me fo it, well, you were looking straight, I needed you to look to the side! Sorry! Your Character dosen't have glasses, just for the poster! So, don't kill me! I was hunting till midnight at old Touche pictures, trying to find one! So don't get mad! I didn't exactly mean to! All the other pictures, you were smiling, so that's why Chris and Tim looked sorta crazy in the picture. I didn't want EVERYONE to look like that, so I got a picture ffrom Clash where EVERYONE was not smiling, so I used that! Please!

Next wensday is not going to be fun...

Delta73 said...

Meh, it looks Ok...but I am sure it will be a great story!

Imperator said...

I know, it's not THAT good at all. We don't have the tech to do it. But I'm glad your looking foward to it.

Grenadier said...

I'm offended I don't have a lead role! :D Actually I don't even know If I am in the story

Debater said...

Once againk, you are in the story, but not much in episode 1. your role increases in later episodes...

pink princess said...

oh wow....tat is such a bad picture of me. so wats my name in the story?

Imperator said...

Sorry, I only had pictures from Tournements where everyone looks glum. I asked if people would send in pictures...But no one did...

Imperator said...

Oh, your name in it is Captain Kayla Bensaire. You are a commander of a small elite unit, sometimes employed as a bodyguard for Michelle.