Saturday, October 20, 2007


Welcome everyone, to what you (Or should I say Me) have been waiting for: The long announced blog! Now, this is a peculiar blog, for, it's purpose is to explain another blog. This blog is the main center for ALL blog stories, mainly for mine and sorta IMF, but mainly Empire stories to have a base for the actual story. This will contain FAQS, commercials, reference info and various other updates for the blog stories.




Drama Queen said...

okay.... cool!

micheller said...

sounds great.

Grenadier said...

Alrighty. Thanks for the invite.

Thrawn said...

Is this some kind of wierd way of saying your competing with Killer Whale Studios? Bring it! :D. Jk, thanks for the invitation.

Imperator said...

Your welcome all! Thanks for viewing the site!

Thrawn said...

I can make you a half decent logo or poster if you want.. Your current one is good, but it could be better... I could even make a video logo...

Debater said...

That'd be great! We have very limited supplies for doing things like that (used printshop) and limited photos(most fom the touche group photo)I'm sure you'd be able to make it far more professional.